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Dagger Squadron B-Wing Fighter Details

Posted By Curto on June 5, 2008

We first heard rumblings of a re-release of the B-Wing Fighter way back during Celebration IV, which was said to possibly be a repaint, and would come with a human pilot...instead of the Sullustan Pilot from the Power of the Jedi release.

Then the vehicle was listed in the Toys "R" Us computer, revealing that it was slated to be an exclsuive ship, and was even listed on the retailers' website (priced at $34.99), slated for an April release....and then it suddenly disappeared and pre-orders were cancelled.

More details were revealed during the Star Wars Q&A Session #49, when we learned that the B-Wing would be part of an upcoming Expanded Universe tale.

Then, another rumor list came through that suggested the B-Wing Fighter would be part of the "Vector" storyline that's currently running through the Dark Horse Comics Star Wars books, including the title Star Wars: Rebellion. A quick glance through our Dark Horse Comics for May 2008 solicitations shows an interesting cover image of a brand new B-Wing Fighter Squadron...although this particular issue is not involved with the Vector stroyline, could this be issue be the source hinted at in the Q&A session?

It looks like it is, as a new report over at Galactic Hunter reveals that the B-Wing is indeed from the "Dagger Squadron" in Star Wars: Rebellion. What's also interesting is that there are four characters listed in the squad's roster, all of whom recently appeared in issue #13 of the comic book, published back in April:

Lt. Netrem Pollard: Black Dagger Vin Nothos: Scarlet Dagger Callen Troyt: Gold Dagger Nera Dantels: Blue Dagger

  • Lt. Netrem Pollard: Black Dagger (Human Male)
  • Vin Nothos: Scarlet Dagger (Human Male)
  • Callen Troyt: Gold Dagger (Falleen Male)
  • Nera Dantels: Blue Dagger (Human Female)

    There is speculation that these characters might have something to do with the Entertainment Earth exclusive set that was recently revealed....time will tell if that is the case, but with fans wanting more Rebel Pilot figures, these would be a great addition to the action figure line.

    Kudos to Galactic Hunter for uncovering the info on the vehicle, and my own comic book collection for the rest of the details!

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