NAME: Star Wars Special Editions - A New Hope
YEAR: 1997
DIMENSIONS: 27"x40", 30"x40" British Quad
VARIATIONS: Foriegn variations
DOUBLE OR SINGLE SIDED: Single and Double Sided
REPRINTS: German Zig Zag reprint, 24"x36" commercial version, many 27"x40" reprints. No double sided reprints.
Painted by Drew Struzan, this poster is the first in a unique trilogy by the artist. If you line up the posters for all three films, they make up one large image (as seen below).
Drew Struzan had the following to say about the set in an interview with TheForce.Net:
TF.N - Your Special Edition set of posters is a favorite of mine. What was the creative process there? Is it true that it was really a last minute job?
drew - The worst deadline ever! I was called one week before the poster was due to be printed in time to be in the theatres. I say "the" poster as when I was asked if I would or if I could, they only wanted one poster for all three of the films. We were on the telephone with a conference call between myself and about six others at Lucasfilm. I asked why one poster for three films? Why not one poster for each and let's not miss this great opportunity. When would there ever be another opportunity to do a tryptic, three posters that would work together as one? I put my foot in it! OK, now do three posters, a week apiece. Now that's a rush schedule. It took 20 years to get to this point and now I had three weeks to sum up the most successful trio of films of all time. There's pressure for you. Oh yeah, and this was during the holidays. I worked for three weeks, day and night, with no week ends to rest. I was exhausted, but hey... it prepared me for Episode 1, a breeze compared to this training.
Special Edition Trilogy together
British Quad - 30"x40"

British One Sheet -
Click here
Polish One Sheet
French One Sheet
French - 61"x45"
Spanish One Sheet
Thai One Sheet
Japan One Sheet