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C4: Collecting Panels Medallions

Posted By Dustin on May 14, 2007

Here's a look at a full set of all 12 Medallions to be randomly distributed during the Celebration IV collecting panels.

Kudos to all the collectors who came together to make this happen. You can see their names on the coins they sponsored for this event. If you see them, be sure to say thanks!

Here is a complete listing of the Collector Panels that have been posted over at StarWars.com:

Vintage Bootleg Toys
John Alvarez, Joseph Yglesias, and Ron Salvatore
Goofy, sometimes ugly, almost always of inferior quality, and yet they have flooded the market for the past 30 years. For many opportunists this was a chance to cash in on the Star Wars hype, but for the buyers, mostly children in less affluent countries, this was sometimes the only means of acquiring something even remotely close to what many took for granted. In many ways, these unlicensed toys epitomize just how deeply Star Wars permeated our generation.

Kenner's Micro Collection
Mike Mensinger and James Gallo
Explore the not-so-tiny world of Kenner's Micro Collection toy line during this collecting panel that will cover the intriguing production process used to bring the small scale toys to life and showcasing a few never-before-photographed prototypes illustrating various pre-production stages. A detailed overview of the Micro Collection playsets, vehicles, and figures follows to arm collectors with the knowledge and ability to "collect them all". See several un-produced products that never saw the light of day on store shelves, yet managed to survive in prototype form.

Star Wars Collecting Clubs
Bill Cable, Deanna Bock, et al.
Collecting by nature is a solitary and competitive pursuit. However, there are surprising benefits to a more cooperative approach. One effective way to improve your collecting success is by networking with other collectors. Local collecting clubs offer numerous benefits: a network of shoppers to help search for your most-wanted items; the opportunity to socialize with other collectors; and a group of knowledgeable collectors to share their expertise and advice on your purchasing decisions. But what can you do if your area doesn't have a collecting club? You create one! We'll tell you how to do it.

Women's Collecting Panel
Marjorie Carvalho, Deanna Bock, Amy Sjoberg, Cathy Kendrick, Lauren Kebely, Helen Howerton, Josefina G?lvez, Anne Neumann
Star Wars collectors have been often stereotyped as the geeky guy. The truth is that Star Wars collectors are just as likely to be someone's mother, sister or girlfriend. And girls don't just collect dress-up Amidala dolls and Queen's Amulet books--they collect it all, giving the guys a run for their money in this ambitious hobby. Join us to discuss what appeals to female collectors and how they got started. Women, learn there's more to Star Wars collectibles than armies of clones, and men, come learn which Star Wars gifts are best for the women in your life.

Animation Collecting
Shane Turgeon
Whether it was Boba Fett's first appearance, the stories of Thall Joben, Vlix and Morag, or bridging the time between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, animation has long played an important part in furthering the ever-expanding Star Wars storyline. And whatever form Star Wars is presented in, there's bound to be a collectible or two associated with it! Attend the Animation Panel to explore the history of Star Wars animation, from the Holiday Special through the Droids and Ewoks cartoons and the Clone Wars series. Panel will cover merchandise from each era and delve into collecting material related to the production of each series.

Character Collecting
Dustin Roberts, Chris Nichols, Bill Cable, Mattias Rendahl
Does Star Wars collecting seem to be too overwhelming for you? Where do you start? Well how about having some fun with collecting and pick a favorite character to collect! Join this panel featuring Bill Cable, Chris Nichols, Mattias Rendahl, and Dustin Roberts as they explore the tricks of the trade and find out just what makes a character-focused collector tick!

Recycled Toys
Ron Salvatore
It's 1991. You wander into Toys R Us, and there it is: the Sherwood Forrest playset from the Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves toy line. Pretty cool, except it looks just like your old Ewok Village playset. And, come to think of it, why does the Friar Tuck figure look like a Gamorrean Guard? Learn about these and dozens of other recycled Star Wars toys at this fun, informative talk.

Star Wars Coins
James Gallo, Michael Mensinger, and Mark Salotti
Learn about the production process of Kenner's Vintage Power Of The Force Coins; examine "special offers", variant, rare & un-produced coins, and discuss availability and distribution internationally. Will the "Lopez Coin Category System" continue as collecting gospel, or will it require tweaking after all of these years? This panel has it all, from vintage to the 2007 offerings from Hasbro!

Peruvian Star Wars Collectibles
Luis G?lvez and Josefina G?lvez
There is little known about Star Wars collectibles produced in South America in the '70s and '80s, and during those years Lucasfilm authorized few companies to produce or import toys there. The interest of the collector community about the foreign Star Wars products has motivated us to investigate what was produced south of the border. This presentation will cover different aspects of the Star Wars products made in Peru, both licensed items (toys, cards, books, cloth, etc.) and unlicensed products, including some strange articles that guarantee even expert collectors will learn something new.

Props and Costumes
Brandon Alinger, Tom Spina, Dave Abberley, David Mandel, Greg Hanson, and Gus Lopez
A general overview on collecting original props, wardrobe and model miniatures used in the actual Star Wars movies. The presentation will cover the basics of obtaining and authenticating original props, as well as information on care and preservation for these items. We'll also give a brief tour of some amazing pieces in private collections.

Cast and Crew Items
Gus Lopez and Brandon Alinger
Since the early days of pre-production for A New Hope to the present day, collectibles issued exclusively for the crew and cast of the Star Wars movies have been in high demand. These items including T-shirts, caps, paperweights, greeting cards, jackets, and patches were never available to the public and are extremely scarce. Due to their limited nature, there is little documentation on what was made, and new discoveries happen all the time. We will give an overview of collecting cast and crew memorabilia, cover where to find these items, and show some of the most sought-after pieces.

Collecting 101
Chris Georgoulias and Ron Salvatore
Georgoulias and Salvatore, seasoned Star Wars collectors, will share tips on getting started with collecting and keeping your collection going. This panel will give overviews to most general aspects of the hobby including networking, researching, finding items, pitfalls, terminology, grading, displaying, and much more. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers from the audience.

Selling Tips
Chris Georgoulias, Todd Chamberlain, and James Gallo
Ever wondered how to reduce the inevitable clutter that comes along with years of collecting? This panel will give you tips on clearing out things you no longer want or never really needed in the first place and how to turn it into what you absolutely must have. Our panel of experts will give you tips on maximizing the potential of your items as well as letting you know when it's time to cut your losses. Lots of audience interaction is expected with this one, so come loaded with questions!

Online Auctions and Collecting
Chris Georgoulias, et al.
What collector hasn't noticed that his or her collection can grow leaps and bounds with just a few mouse clicks these days? Online auctions have had a major impact on the availability and breadth of Star Wars collectibles in the last decade and our panel of experts has gathered to help you sort it all out. Learn some tricks on bidding, how to spot fraudulent items, deal with sellers, investigate your competition, and on finding what you really want. Audience questions will be welcome.

Star Wars Collectibles Road Show
Todd Chamberlain
Have an item you can't identify, or the value of which you can't find in a price guide? Star Wars Celebration collecting panelists will be available throughout the weekend to view items and provide feedback on their history and value. Stop by one of our designated Road Show pre-screening sessions to get a detailed, hands-on examination of your collectible. The most intriguing items will be showcased in a panel later in the weekend. Collectors will get more information about their items, and also have the opportunity to share their treasures with fellow collectors.
What to bring? Any item you think is extraordinary and about which you can't find good information from other sources. If it's unlisted in price guides, or the guides provide little information or no pictures, our panelists can likely help you find out what you need to know. Try to stump the experts if you think you can!
What not to bring? If your item shows up in an online auction search on any given day, you can probably get the information you need online. A note on packaging errors: while items in the wrong package or with other minor errors are of interest to some collectors, generally these items garner a minor premium at best and are often worth less. For modern (post-1990) items, the few exceptions that have additional value are well-documented in price guides.

Star Wars Food Collectibles
Duncan Jenkins, Eimei Takeda, and Gus Lopez
In the first thirty years of Star Wars collecting, there have been over 10,000 different food collectibles from the hundreds of promotions in over 100 different countries. Food collectibles are extremely challenging to find due to their short lifespan and national (and even regional) differences. In addition to the well-known name-brand candy, chip, cookie, cereal, and fast food promotions, there have also been licensed Star Wars Easter eggs, ice cream, yogurt, TV dinners, entrees, hot dogs, peanut butter, cheese, waffles, mustard, curry, popcorn, and even dog food. See examples of obscure and prized food collectibles in this fascinating area.

Trading Cards
Cathy Kendrick and Andy Dukes
Collecting Star Wars trading cards is both fun and challenging. This panel will take a quick look at the original cards that started it all, and discuss why a collector might want to add cards to their collection. There will be a review of some of the more interesting sets, and of the challenges a collector faces when collecting Star Wars trading cards.

Disney Parks / Star Wars Toy Exclusives
Brad Schoeneberg and Cody Reynolds
This talk will cover the history of the relationship between Disney Parks Attractions and Lucasfilm, taking a look at current Disney on-property events, such as Star Wars Weekends and the Jedi Training Academy. This presentation will also provide details about how Disney characters are co-branded with Star Wars and why various characters were chosen, and a look at the new product exclusives planned for 2007. Collectors will also be able to see a sneak peak of concept artwork for new items considered for 2008.

International Collecting Panel
Mark Salotti, Matt Glasgow, Scott Bradley, Toru Komuro, Luis Galvez, Josefina Galvez, Mattias Rendahl, and Andy Dukes
The Star Wars films are a worldwide phenomenon and there are avid Star Wars collectors in many countries around the world. Join a panel of international collectors for a mammoth two-hour spectacular, moderated by Mark Salotti (Australia). Collectors: Scott Bradley (Canada), Toru Komuro (Japan), Luis & Josefina Galvez (Mexico & Peru), Matt Glasgow (New Zealand), Mattias Rendahl (Sweden) and Andy Dukes (United Kingdom) will discuss the history of Star Wars toys and other collectibles in their native countries and will showcase some of the unique and rare collectibles released only in their respective homelands. Learn about Toltoys, Kenner Canada (Irwin Toy), Takara, Lili Ledy, Basa, and Playmix, and take part in an extensive question and answer session.

Marketing the Galaxy: Star Wars Store Displays
Todd Chamberlain
A fusion of dazzling visuals and sophisticated marketing has distinguished the Star Wars phenomenon since its origin, generating a variety of posters, banners, standees, and signs to market a bonanza of Star Wars merchandise over the past 30 years. These materials provide collecting fodder once they've served their original purpose. This session presents an overview of store displays for Kenner, Burger King, Coke, Dixie, and a wide range of other product promotions. Some are one- or two-of-a-kind rarities, while others are very attractive yet reasonably available items that can add a distinctive element to a collectibles room. For a nostalgic look back, the presentation will also include pictures of stores displaying Star Wars merchandise from the 70s and 80s.

Action Figure Card Design and Production
Bill Wills and Tracey Hamilton
There's no denying the genius of Kenner's groundbreaking and revolutionary card back design for their original Star Wars action figure line. Get a better understanding of the entire process, from initial design through the final printed product, which resulted in the packaging that continues to inspire collectors 30 years later. You'll also see how innovations in design and printing have changed the process used by today's packaging designers.

Vintage Toys from Around the World
Joe Yglesias
Along with the impact of the films, the original SW toys were in high demand by children worldwide. Come see what the rest of the world had in the vintage era for Star Wars toys, from the familiar in different packaging, to oddities that children in the US could only dream about. We'll showcase a wide variety of vintage SW toys from around the globe.

Star Wars Collecting in the Large
Anne Neumann, Duncan Jenkins, and Gus Lopez
Ever wonder what it's like to collect Star Wars memorabilia on a massive scale? Join our panelists for a rare glimpse at what's involved in cataloging some of the world's largest Star Wars collections, from organizing and displaying, to tracking items in databases, to tips for field work. What are the buying strategies for collectors who have tens of thousands of Star Wars pieces in their homes? What are recommended approaches to preserving, organizing, framing, and displaying items at this scale? If you have a spouse or significant other who thinks your shelf of Star Wars collectibles takes up too much space in the house, take them to this panel to see Star Wars collecting in its extreme.

Star Wars Collecting Trivia Contest
Chris Fawcett, Arnie Carvalho, Chris Georgoulias
Test your Star Wars collecting knowledge against other collectors at the Star Wars Collecting Trivia contest. How many action figures were shipped in the original Star Wars Early Bird mailer by Kenner? Which licensee sold the famous Star Wars Yoda cap? Which country had a Return of the Jedi theatrical poster with a Darth Vader exploding head? How many different licensees have issued Star Wars barf bags over the years? Whether you know the answers to most Star Wars collecting questions or want to learn some interesting things about the hobby, novice and expert collectors alike are sure to enjoy this event. The winners will receive unique prizes and bragging rights as the uber-knowledgeable collectors of Celebration IV!

Unproduced Star Wars Toys
Gus Lopez
It might come as a surprise to some collectors that there are actual Star Wars toys that were designed but never released in stores. Some collectors embark on the extremely difficult challenge of documenting, locating, and acquiring some of these rare pieces that give a snapshot of "what could have been." This presentation will cover early stages of produced toys that are far removed from the final product. There are many examples of toy weapons, action figures of all scales, vehicles, playsets, video games, and packaging that never made it to retail shelves. Whether considered in design drawings, one-of-a-kind mocked-up prototypes, or production-quality samples, the toy design process yields interesting artifacts that give a view into this obscure area of collecting.

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