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TK Project Raises Over $50k

Posted By Dustin on August 18, 2010

The totals are in for the TK Project fund raiser auction at Star Wars Celebration V. Looks like Daniel Logan's Maori helmet went for a whopping $3500! Congrats to all involved! Here's the breakdown as per the 501st TK Project Blog.

- LOST helmet by JJ Abrams: $2500
- Tori Belleci from Mythbusters' helmet: $800
- Dan Bergren's TK-Flipper helmet: $250
- Jan Duursema's Sith Empire helmet: $1500
- Spencer Brinkerhoff: $250
- Jeremy Bulloch: $950
- Matt Busch Black Lagoon helmet: $600
- Joe Carroll helmet: $250
- Katie Cook's Doodle Helmet: $1750
- Joe Corroney's 501st Airborne Bomber: $900
- Melita Curphy Demon helmet: $1500
- Arturo Delgado Red Tail helmet: $1750
- Cory Lorenzen TK Mickey: $1000
- Nicole Falk TK Slimer: $750
- Matt & Shawn Fillbach TK Freebird: $550
- Dave Filoni Plo Koon: $1400
- John Gilliland WWII helmet: $550
- Grant Gould Hand of Sauron: $250
- Kevin Graham TK Pod: $1300
- Albin Johnson & Jerry Greene R2-TK: $600
- Chase Gustafson Warrior through the ages: $1300
- Nathan Hamill helmet: $700
- Jessica Hickman Nose Pinup: $450
- Tom Hodges To Mustafar and Back: $350
- Star Wars in Concert helmet: $1100
- Scott Kirkham TK RoSco: $300
- Karen K Jawa helmet: $650
- Tim Knapp Egyptian: $500
- Daniel Logan's Maori helmet: $3500
- Randy Martinez Lakers: $650
- Peter Mayhew "Chewied Up:" $1250
- Fanboys Kyle Newman helmet: $800
- Lawrence Noble Steampunk helmet: $1400
- William O'Neil TK Pharoah: $450
- Ray Park TK Maul: $2300
- Amy Provanost TK Ewok: $900
- Seth Green TK Titan: $600
- Brian Rood Steampunk: $800
- Tsuneo Sanda Jaguar helmet: $700
- Steve Sansweet Celebration helmet: $1150
- Jamie Snell Cheshire: $400
- Cat Staggs Tuskan helmet: $1200
- LFL Singapore helmet: $450
- James Taqmpa R2-TK: $600
- Denise Vasquez TK Avatar: $750
- 501st Helmet by Cathy Beningen: $800
- Kathy van Beuningen 501st Logo: $1400
- Jane Wiedlin Cylon Helmet: $550
- Scott Will IG-88: $700
- West Coast Choppers helmet: $1400
- Marc Wolfe Iron Man helmet: $1250
- Last Helmet! Nina Yankovic: $300

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