Dave Filoni's Celebration VI Wrap-Up Posted By Mike on September 12, 2012
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Supervising Director Dave Filoni looks to have had one heck of a Star Wars Celebration according to his new blog post at the Official SW.com Blog. From awesome costumes to TCW love from the fans to The Maker's appearance and more, Filoni provides a fantastic CVI wrap-up which you can read here. I particularly love the photo of Dave taking notes in the grass outside the convention center and the paragraph that goes along with it. In addition, the ForceCast got a little love in the article with their trading cards being displayed in the picture of Dave's swag along with a mention of Filoni's ForceCast appearance on Sunday. Here's the excerpt:
"And while we are talking about amazing and dedicated fans, I have to mention my friends Jason and Jimmy over at the Forcecast. I rarely get to see these guys in person, but when I do it?s always fun. These guys have been great supporters (and critics) of the show since we started, and it?s always fun to get their point of view, even when I?m messing with them. The day I was on the Forcecast happened to be Jason?s Birthday, so he wore a hat which (while not as cool as mine) made the interview more festive. Not to be outdone, Jimmy Mac decided to express his loyalty for the Wolf Pack by getting a tattoo of the wolf logo. His first tattoo ever! WOW! Would Kitster approve?"