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CVI: Countdown Day 3

Posted By Chris on August 20, 2012

No fan left behind! That's our motto!

And in today's plugged-in and connected world, this promise extends from our sites to the social networks of Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. You will definitely want to make sure that you are following Rebelscum, TheForce.net and ForceCast on these networks to stay on top of all the great coverage.

What happened today in the Ralph McQuarrie Panel? Is the life-size Rancor on the exhibit floor, really life-size? How about some real time photos from the TFN Party? These are some of the things you'll get from us at Celebration VI.

For even more in-depth coverage, and commentary, be sure to follow the staff members that will be at the show. They are always sure to point out some strange finds, friendly faces, and Star Wars-y goodness that you'll find nowhere else!

So, even if you're going to be at the show, get yourself plugged into these feeds. You can find them all at the Social Media page of the Rebelscum.com Celebration VI Survival Guide. And we'll see you at the show!!

And this just released: be sure to go to the Main Page of the Survival Guide and grab the latest PDF copies of the show schedule, exclusives, vendor list and artists. These will be updated as more info is made available, so be sure to check the last updated date at the top of the PDF Section. These make a great companion piece on your smart phone or tablet, and they don't require you to use your data plan, like some people's Celebration app.

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August 22, 2012   CVI: Countdown Day 1
August 21, 2012   CVI: Countdown Day 2
August 19, 2012   CVI: Countdown Day 4
August 18, 2012   CVI: Countdown Day 5
August 17, 2012   CVI: Countdown Day 6
August 16, 2012   CVI: Countdown Day 7
August 15, 2012   CVI: Countdown Day 8

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