Please choose a Holo to view.
Unofficial Prequel Trailer 5 , 12.2mb 1998. Quicktime (*.mov) version - uncompressed, 18.2mb.
Fighter on patrol, 1.94mb 1998. Unofficial Prequel Trailer 6, 16.6mb 1998. Quicktime (*.mov) version - compressed, 5.9 mb.
Marie Celeste, 2.09mb 1998. The Trade Federation army invades the peaceful
world of Naboo, 3.74mb 1998. Bravo squadron begins it's assault on a Trade
Federation battleship, 6.48mb 1999. Note: All of these videos have
sound, if you are not hearing any sound when playing them, and you are sure that your
computer is playing digital audio correctly, please let our administrator know.
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(Reduced sound/picture quality.) Requires Quicktime 3.