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Ewan McGregor To Return As Both Actor And Director To Star Wars Universe

RUMOR: Ewan McGregor To Return As Both Actor And Director To Star Wars Universe

Posted by Dustin on August 15, 2019 at 06:32 PM CST

We've heard numerous rumors since Disney purchased Lucasfilm that Obi-Wan was returning to that galaxy far, far away for more adventure(s). It has been an on-again off-again rumor for some time now. However, things have gained traction the past few days with reporting:

According to two separate sources, I’ve heard that Ewan McGregor has actually put pen to paper and inked a contract to return as the iconic Jedi Master. I heard word of this recently, but I was sitting on it until, out of the blue, a second source reached out to me (I hadn’t gone digging on this one) saying the exact same thing.

Next we have news from that they can also confirm the signing rumor and added the directorial news to the over all story.

Following on from our post back in May 2018 of a standalone Obi-Wan Kenobi film and reports elsewhere earlier today, we understand that not only has Ewan McGregor signed up to star in a Kenobi TV series for Lucasfilm and Disney to be streamed on Disney Plus, he will also direct a number of episodes.

McGregor is a bona fide movie star, and with that comes a movie stars wages. To offer him what he requires as an onscreen actor is expensive, but the opportunity to further his movie career behind the camera in a directorial role proved – so we are told – to be the key to persuade him to finally sign on the dotted line.

Our sources tell us that the story will be spread across 8 episodes with McGregor directing a number of shows. Further to that, he will be performing alongside a familiar mechanical co-star, and when we heard who it was, our hearts skipped a beat.

With D23 only a week away, and a heavy push coming for Disney+, Let's hope we hear some "good news" soon.

UPDATE: Variety has also confirmed Ewan is in talks to return!

Ewan McGregor is in talks to return as Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi in a series for Disney Plus, Variety has confirmed.

No other details on the potential series were available. McGregor previously played the character in the three “Star Wars” prequels “The Phantom Menace,” “Attack of the Clones,” and “Revenge of the Sith.” There had been talk for years that McGregor would return in an Obi Wan standalone film, but those plans were reportedly put on hold following the unsuccessful roll out of “Star Wars” standalone film “Solo.”

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