 picture (c) 1999 Lucasfilm - enhanced by Roderick
MARCH 21, 1999 - UPDATED MARCH 30, 1999
An early Blockade Runner?
Interesting similarites between Episode 1 Republic Cruiser and Leia's diplomatic vessel...

Hi, and welcome to the Virtual Edition.

You've probably read the report on The Force.net about the shape of the Republic Cruiser that is visible on the monitor in the (enhanced) picture above. A sketch of this ship was posted a few months ago on the C.H.U.D. website, and Jedinet's Prequel Watch reposted that picture here (note that Jedinet is on-line again, but the next three weeks you have to type in to reach it).
Back then, I had a little theory about this ship that I never posted, so perhaps now is a good time.

In fact, the shape of this "diplomatic vessel" (since it carries our two Jedi Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on a diplomatic mission) looks vaguely familiar. It has the same dimensions as a shortened Blockade Runner! Take a look at the comparison below. On the left, a blue-print of a Blockade Runner from the Behind the Magic CD-Rom, in the middle the enhanced picture of the Cruiser on the monitor, next to that the contours of the cruiser in the sketch posted by C.H.U.D. and that Prequel Watch reposted lately, and on the right a shortened version of the Blockade Runner:

And also the shape of the cockpit window is similar:

Wouldn't it be great if that Republic Cruiser turned out to be an earlier version of the Blockade Runner? After all, Darth Maul's ship looks like a predecessor of Vader's ship in ANH, so why not? It would make another nice parallel between the opening sequence of The Phantom Menace and the opening scenes of A New Hope: at the beginning of both movies, we'd see the same kind of diplomatic vessel!

It would also explain why the model makers working on TPM had a huge Blockade Runner in one of their workrooms, as you might remember from an old update on the official Star wars website! Here's a quote from that Feburary 23, 1998 update: "The original Rebel Blockade Runner sits in one of the workrooms: this is Princess Leia's ship, which fled the colossal Star Destroyer in Star Wars' famous opening shot. The very first spaceship seen in the very first Star Wars movie was brought in to inspire the artists creating the models for Episode I. In more ways than one, this film is a journey to back to Star Wars' beginnings."

Just a coincidence? I think not!

MARCH 30, 1999

It turns out that I was close to the truth. As theForce.net reported, the Republic cruiser in the opening scene of The Phantom Menace appears to be a homage to certain paintings of Ralph McQuarrie. The ship in these paintings was in fact an early design for the Millenium Falcon! But then Space 1999 appeared on television, and Lucas thought that the rectangular ship (the "Eagle") in Space 1999 was too similar to the "Millenium Falcon" they intended to use. So he ordered a new design, and that's how the familiar saucer shaped version of the Falcon came into existence. The previous version of the Millenium Falcon ended up as the Rebel Blockade Runner in the opening scene of A New Hope!

You can find more background information on Robert Brown'sn excellent "Blockade Runner page".

Thanks to Patrick Wood for the information!
