Below are the various banners
and logos that I made for the page before the move to theforce.net, I don't
have direct link to this page set up anywhere, so congratulations on finding
this little easter egg of a page.
Taylor made by me for the switch to theforce.net, aren't you glad Scott
does the graphics now.
Unfortunatly, I don't have any trivia about why I made this logo, I
was just sick of the old one!
An Episode I logo.
A Variation on my moving logo from bellow.
This one seemed like a good idea at 1:00am, what do you think?
This picture just kicks ass and I had to use it.
A new prequel logo with Ben going to Yoda for advice, much like a reader
comes to my site to learn (No, I do not think I am Yoda, nor green am I).
This image is pretty self explanatory, it was created for the change
of address.
This kinda weird hodgepodge of universes was created for the
site move.
A helped out on this logo for the Star Wars Fanboy Association, Jeff
Bovin came up with the concept and James MacFadden designed the lettering
(Basically I just put it all together). If your interested in the Fanboy
Association click on the logo. BTW, the source art is from an issue of
Marvel Age circa 1984.
A look at the many incarnations of Anakin Skywalker
Unfortunatly the source for the prequel picture was kind a small so
this one doesn't look as nice as it could, but notice how Anakin's head
is the only one over the logo, talk about detail.
This logo was created with a picture from the January 1999 Vanity Fair
issue. Obi Wan on the left Darth Maul on the right.
A salute to all the cool ships of Star Wars.
Happy Holidays from me and Yoda
I saw Mara kick, and inspiration struck
A salute to the Jedi.
This is a variation on the logo bellow, but with
some new characters thrown in.
This logo is a visual version of the timeline
that covers all the events in the Star Wars universe.
This logo is tribute to the old Marvel Comics
A variation on the Special Edition posters.
Simple and to the point this is the page's original
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