TFN Headlines On Your Website!
Wish you could have current (up to the nano-second) TFN News Headlines on your website? Now you can. Our saucy band of tech rebels have put their collective heads together and come up with a way for you to do just that!
So show your Star Wars fanaticism and share the news today.
Version One
This version does not allow any changes to the font or font attributes.
Cut and paste the following code into your web page, exactly where you want the headlines to appear: (watch for line wrap)
<!-- TheForce.Net Javascript Headlines Code -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="">
Here is how it will look on your web site:
Version Two
This version allows you to change the font attributes, but you must declare them up front, or the script will throw errors.
Cut and paste the following code into your web page, exactly where you want the headlines to appear: (watch for the line wrap).
<!-- Font Control Code -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
varFontSize = "11";
varFontColor = "Blue";
varFontType = "Arial";
<!-- TheForce.Net Javascript Headlines Code -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="">
Here is how it will look on your web site:
And like the all encompassing mystical force - you'll be able to share real-time headlines from our site with your visitors. (FYI - When someone clicks on one of the news links, the link will create a new browser.)
TFN RSS Newsfeed!
If you would like to get news via your favorite RSS news reader, just point it to:
While there are a wide variety of news-reading programs, we recommend Awasu (which can sit in your tray), Newsgator (a nifty little service that runs in MS Outlook), FeedReader or RSS Bandit. For the Mac, try out NetNewsWire. Feel free to write if you have a news reader that you recommend.
TFN Headlines On Your Website!
Wish you could have a popup window of TFN Headlines that refreshes every 5 minutes? Well now you can!
Click here for PopUp News
Voila - PopUp news! Click on the popup news button every morning, and you're sure to get your daily dose of Star Wars in your Government's Recommended Daily Allowances throughout the day. Infact, you'll never miss a TFN News Headline ever again.
Popup Hack
Caleb send us a great hack to our Popup TF.N widget if you have Windows ME/2000/XP and use Active Desktop. Cut and paste the following into notepad or your favorite text editor. (Don't use Word or Wordpad.)
<title>TF.N Newsfeed</title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="300">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!-- Font Control Code -->
<script language="Javascript">
varFontSize = "1";
varFontColor = "Green";
varFontType = "Arial";
<!-- TheForce.Net Javascript Headlines Code -->
<script language="Javascript" src=""></script>
Edit the FontColor and FontType to suit your tastes. Save the file on your local hard drive, note the location.
Bring up your desktop's display settings by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing "Properties"
Windows XP
Go to the "Desktop" tab and click on the "Customize Desktop" button
Go to the "Web" tab, uncheck the "Lock web items on Desktop" box and click on "New". In the box that pops up, Browse for the html file you created earlier and press OK until you're back at the Desktop.
The page should show up you can resize this as you like or move it by hovering your mouse near the top of the page and dragging the bar when it shows up.
When you've got it where you would like it, you can right-click on an empty spot on the Desktop and choose Arrange Icons By --> Lock Web Items on Desktop.
Windows 2000/Me
Go to the "Web" tab and click on the "Show Web Content on my Active Desktop" check box.
Click on the "New" Button and browse for the html file you created earlier and press OK until you're back at the Desktop.
The page should show up you can resize this as you like or move it by hovering your mouse near the top of the page and dragging the bar when it shows up.
When you've got it where you would like it, you can right-click on an empty spot on the Desktop and choose Active Desktop --> Lock Desktop Items.
Voila! The little page should sit there as a part of your Desktop, and you can work around it or on top of it as you please, and it will update itself every 5 minutes (CONTENT = "300" in the html file) or you can force a refresh by hitting F5.