Hideous giant mollusk approximately seventy centimetres long lurking in the palace of Jabba the Hutt. Seen only once in Return of the Jedi, the fiend clung to the ceiling of the Hutt's audience chamber and attempted to lick C-3PO. The leathery body is brownish-pink and sluglike in proportion and smoothness. The face consists of a pair of dark brown milky eyes positioned for binocular vision, a pair of feelers and a broad boneless mouth. The red, fleshy, prehensile tongue extends up to a metre from the body.
Wol Cabasshite removed from his ceiling perch, with tongue extended.
Wol Cabasshite maquette and model under construction. [STAR WARS Chronicles]
Wol Cabasshite in action. [Behind the Magic]
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