Girov Dza'tey
this Bothan was the leader of the group which sabotaged the Starfaring in order to land on the planet Malrev. He claimed to be part of the tourist group which was aboard the ship, and that the ship's Captain and chief engineers were the first to be killed in attacks by the Irrukiine, when Rogue Squadron was dispatched to locate the ship. In reality, Girov was a master of Jeswandi, and killed the ship's Captain in order to take control of the situation. When several members of Girov's group attacked Nrin Vakil, the Rogue discovered that the Bothans were extremely good at hand-to-hand combat - skills not normally found in a group of shipwrecked tourists. When Dllr Nep tried to defeat Cartariun by turning the Dark Side energy back on the Devaronian, Girov arrived and shot Dlrr in the back. He then turned Cartariun's magic against him, killing Cartariun.