the Clan Mother of the Nightsisters clan on Dathomir, Gethzerion was actually the middle daughter of Augwynne, the Clan Mother of the Singing Mountain clan. Much to Augwynne's dismay, Gethzerion fell prey to the power of the dark magics practiced by the witches of Dathomir, and felt that her mother's power was weak. Gethzerion made a power play to take control of the Singing Mountain clan, hoping to kill Augwynne but actually killing Kara'teel instead. Gethzerion's actions were discovered, but Gethzerion was freed by Baritha and the two fled in exile from the clan. This only served to harden Gethzerion's resolve, and she established her own clan, the Nightsisters. Gethzerion also wrote The Book of Shadows as a collection of all known information about the Shadow Magic she loved. However, Gethzerion was unable to fully comprehend the goals of the Empire, and was used by the remnants of the Empire to hunt down runaway slaves. When Emperor Palpatine realized that her strength with the Dark Side of the Force was considerable, he cut off Dathomir from any form of trade. Gethzerion was stranded on Dathomir, but later killed the stormtroopers who were guarding her. She use the surviving stormtroopers as a sort of security force. When Han Solo took Leia Organa to Dathomir, Luke Skywalker and Prince Isolder of Hapes tried to rescue her. Gethzerion recognized the strength of the Force in Luke, but was unable to destroy him She later negotiated with Warlord Zsinj for the use of a ship to escape from Dathomir, but the Warlord reneged on the deal and shot her ship from the sky. All the Nightsisters aboard were killed.