the Jedi Knight who accompanied Callista Ming on the mission to disable the Eye of Palpatine, Geith was an excellent pilot as well as a Jedi. He was also very much in love with Callista, as she was with him. They had first met on Cloud City, while Callista was on a brief layover while training aboard the Chu'unthor starship owned by Jedi Master Djinn Altis. She discovered that he was Force-sensitive, and asked him to learn about the Force on the Chu'unthor. After the original discovery of the Eye of Palpatine, both Geith and Callista were dispatched by Jedi Master Plett to stop the ship. They managed to get aboard, but were trapped by the ship's formidable defenses. After a long argument, they both agreed that he was the only one with a chance to pilot a starship past the Eye of Palpatine's automated defenses and escape. So, he left Callista on the ship with a promise to return with help, and took a Skipray Blastboat. He had nearly predicted the ship's automatic firing pattern, but a change caught him unaware. Once the Eye of Palpataine realized that its target was disabled, it trained all fire on Geith's ship, destroying it and killing him before he could escape.