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this man suddenly appeared aboard the Razor's Kiss, after it was stolen from Kuat Drive Yards by Warlord Zsinj. Zsinj knew he wasn't part of the security detail he'd sent to the ship, but Ensign Gatterweld nevertheless took control after the death of Captain Raslan during the ship's flight from Kuat. However, Gatterweld was unable to defend the huge ship from the massed firepower of the Mon Remonda and the Tedevium, and the Razor's Kiss was destroyed. However, Gatterweld was rescued from the destruction and rewarded for his bravery and loyalty to Zsinj. He became part of Zsinj's security force aboard the Iron Fist, and was later assigned to escort Gara Petothel around the ship. Zsinj didn't trust Gara, who recently had been known as Lara Notsil and a member of the New Republic. Gatterweld kept close tabs on her, but was unable to discern her true activities aboard the ship. When she escaped him and released the test subjects of Project Chubar, Gatterweld tried to stop her. The creatures she had released attacked him, but she would not allow them to kill him. He was bound up and left behind.
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