Gateway Space Station
this space station was erected by the Empire in orbit around Tshindral III, although no one ever learned the exact reasons for the choice of location. It was based on the spherical design of the torpedo sphere, with a huge docking ring encircling the station. Many claim that the planet was a tropical paradise before experiments aboard the station went horribly wrong. Whatever the reason, the Empire abandoned the station shortly after its construction and left it adrift. Talandro Starlyte assumed ownership of the station, and began to remodel it for use as a trading post. The Empire returned to reclaim the station, but Starlyte offered to pay the Empire a monthly rent in return for its use as a trading post. The Imperials agreed, provided that a liaison officer remained on the station to monitor its activities, and left Starlyte alone. He also tried to rename the station as Starlyte Station, but the name only stuck with regular patrons.