a Krish crimelord who controlled the Morodin-hunting safari business on the planet Varont. He got much of his funding from Jabba the Hutt, although he hated the fact that he had to work for Jabba. After Jabba's death, Gamgalon reclaimed his independence. His business on Varonat was actually a front for his harvesting of Yagaran aleudrupe plants, and was highly illegal because Morodin were sentient creatures. He paid off the local Imperial Moff to maintain his lucrative business, which involved fertilizing the aleudrope plants with Morodin slime. This caused them to become a form of catalyst that could create blaster fuel that was even better than spin-sealed tibanna gas. When Talon Kaarde discovered the operation, Gamgalon nearly eliminated the smuggler. However, in a standoff that resulted in the death of Quelev Tapper, Mara Jade - also known as Celina Marniss - killed Gamgalon before he could execute Kaarde.