Fass, Baddon
one of the Emperor Palpatine's Dark Side Elite, Fass was activated by Operation Shadow Hand. Sedriss commissioned Fass and Zasm Katth to perform a number of activities on Nar Shaddaa. First, they were to enlist the aid of Boba Fett in tracking down the Millennium Falcon. Second, they were to hunt down and destroy Vima-Da-Boda. Third, they were to report on the Millennium Falcon's whereabouts so that Sedriss could capture it. Katth and Fass, both grizzled veterans of Palpatine's rule, failed on all counts, as Boba Fett escaped them, and they were both unable to capture the MillenniumFalcon. Fass perished aboard his Star Destroyer Invincible when it mistakenly locked onto Nar Shaddaa's control tower with its tractor beam. The collision destroyed the capital ship and all its crew.