Far Outsiders
this was the Ferroan name for the Yuuzhan Vong. Unknown to most historians, the extragalactic alien race had made its first foray into the known galaxy when it attacked the planet Zonama Sekot shortly after the Battle of Naboo. The Jedi Knight Vergere, on Zonama Sekot to secure a Sekotan starship, discovered that the Far outsiders seemed to have no connection to the Force. Despite the fact that the Far Outsiders flew in starships which were organic in nature and similar to Sekotan starships, the planet rejected them as did the Magister. The Far Outsiders retailated by attacking the planet from orbit, leaving much of the southern hemisphere in ruins.However, Zonama Sekot managed to recover and fought back against the Yuuzhan Vong, with the help of Vergere. Vergere then gave herself up to the Far Outsiders, in an effort to stop the bombardment. The Far Outsiders agreed to Vergere's plan, and left the planet with her. A year later, Zonama Sekot was attacked by Wilhuff Tarkin, and Sekot armed the planet's huge hyperdrives and took it into hyperspace.