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this was the nickname of one of the Alliance's most unusual information contacts. It was rumored that Eyes was a member of an alen race exterminated by Emperor Palpatine and the Empire, although this has never been proven. Of course, it's never been proven because no other member of Eyes' species has ever been encountered, and he wasn't telling. Whatever the case, Eyes appears to be a humanoid creature whose thin body is topped with a thick stalk from which protrude more than twenty eye-stalks. Each stalk has a fully-functioning eyeball in its socket, and Eyes can view a complete 360-degree area at one time. Eyes lived in the Snakes' Den area of Camden, spending much of his time at the Jade Simian. There, he (although no one has ever determined Eyes' exact sex) brokers information which he usually then sells to the Alliance. Eyes maintained his own personal grudge against the Empire, and it was rumored that he also had an affinity with the Force. It is known that Eyes used his mysterious abilities to hunt down and kill an Imperial customs officer in cold blood.
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