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Eye of Shiblizar

this old Ulig Abaha Dimel attack ship was modified by Zlarb and Magg for use as a slave transport. Magg was able to locte it through Espo channels from his Corporate Sector Authority offices. Measuring 95 meters in length, the Eye of Shiblizar could carry up to 660 metric tons of cargo. Its cargo bays were also capable of carrying up to three pinnaces, which would account for 60 metric tons of cargo. The ship was modified to including heavier weapons and a more modern drive system. It is armed with ten double-laser cannons, an ion cannon, and a tractor beam projector. Slaves were never actually delivered with the Eye of Shiblizar, however. Zlarb and Magg would rendezvous at a pre-arranged location with a ship they would "hijack." The slaves carried in the Eye's holds would be transferred to the "hijacked" ship, which would be released once it was loaded. Zlarb and Magg would then move off to pick up their next load of slaves. The Eye of Shiblizar was manned by a crew of 23, with 43 gunners and a security force of 34 troopers.
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