Eye of Koda
this ancient artifact resembled a heavy, diamond-shaped amulet. It was named for Krin Koda, the scout who found it originally after stumbling upon a remote planet. The world became known as Koda's World, and after landing he discovered that the native Tempestro were being killed by a known disease. After administering the antidote and curing the Tempestro, they presented him with the Eye, as they were unaware of its power. He believed it was a map to a planet which held the ultimate in wealth and power. The small particles suspended within the amulet do indeed map out the location of a planetary system, although Krin Koda never found it. Several legends surround the actual benefit to be gained on the planet, the most common of which requires the holder of the Eye to gain entrance to a temple on the planet and stand on the altar within it. If this is accomplished, the holder will gain the ability to move unseen among his fellow beings, and gains a mastery over them. Krin Koda himself disappeared before finding the temple, and misfortune seemed to follow anyone else who found the amulet. A group of scouts found the Eye on Vengler, shortly after the Battle of Endor, and raced the evil magician Dhar Bullwin to Koda's World to discover its abilities. The map within the Eye leads to Koda's World, and was meant to be a way for the modern Tempestro to discover the knowledge of their ancient ancestors, should they ever regain the civilization they once had. The temple contained all the knowledge and power, hidden within its stone walls, and only the most worthy beings would be able to benefit from them.