EV-9D9 (Eve-Ninedeenine)
this thin, bullet-headed Merendata Supervisor droid was programmed as a female. It had a number of strange programming quirks and manufacturing problems that led to EV-9D9's eventual control of her own systems, including a faulty MDF motivator which gave her a mean streak. One such manufacturing flaw was the addition of a third optic sensor. Later, she rewired herself to become more self-sufficient and more intelligent. As these changes continued, she grew to wonder what it would be like to have feelings, like an organic. She continued to rewire herself, in search of the perfect program to allow her the sensation of feelings. She then set out to wreak havoc across the galaxy, stopping at one time on Cloud City. There, she was emplyed by Lando Calrissian as chief of security, a position that Lando had not filled due to the tight staffing problem he had just keeping the station operative. She was discovered by Sarl Random, and sabotaged many of the station's systems and destroyed nearly a quarter of its droids before stealing a Mining Guild cutter and escaping. She fled, and years later she turned up on Tatooine, in Jabba the Hutt's service as the Chief of Cyborg Operations for Jabba. She built hreself a workroom under the palace, a place where she continually tortured droids in an effort to feeling their pain and anguish. There, she discovered that she had feelings of paranoia stemming from her actions throughout the galaxy. These feelings were heightened when C-3PO and R2-D2 came to the palace and almost willingly accepted their fate. Her fears were realized when 12-4C-41 found her in her personal workshop. The 12-series droid had tracked her from Cloud City, seeking to "balance the equation" of destruction she had caused. She resigned herself to her fate, and prepared to relish the feelings and sensations brought on by death. However, 12-4C-41 deprived her of it by removing her third optic sensor and her pain simulator. He then released all of her captives, and they dismembered her until she was no longer functional.