dubbed "the Flying Hatbox" by Mara Jade, the Etherway was an Action V transport that was part of the smuggler fleet owned by Talon Kaarde during the early years of the New Republic. During this time, it was used by Fynn Torve on his missions to deliver food to the rebels on Abregado-Rae. Like the Starry Ice, the Etherway was armed with three turbolasers. Capable of carrying up to six passengers and 75,000 metric tons of cargo, the ship was crewed by a pilot, a navigator, and three gunners. The ship was impounded on Abregado-Rae just before Han Solo and Lando Calrissian arrived there to try and locate Talon Kaarde, and Torve was forced to leave it there to fly with Han and Lando in the Millennium Falcon to meet with Karrde. Later, Wedge Antilles had it moved and pretended to be its owner to get in touch with Mara Jade. Torve had set up an elaborate identification scheme, which required Mara and Wedge to argue whether or not the ship was actually a Harkners-Balix 903. Karrde maintained the ship over the coming years, and the Etherway was one of the ships which Karrde brought to Yavin 4 to rescue the students at the Jedi praxeum from capture by the Yuuzhan Vong. It was damaged in the battle, but managed to survive.