Essence Stealer
this device was part of Borborygmus Gog's Project Starscream. Located within the reconstructed Jedi library on the Nespis VIII space station, the Essence Stealer was designed to capture the true Force-essence of a Jedi. It was formed from a Ssi-Ruuvi battle droid, which Gog had obtained from Raith Sienar for an incredible price, and employed much of the entechment process. Some of the background theory behind the capture of a being's life essence was based on the work of Jenna Zan Arbor. Gog never got a chance to verify its operation, as the only Force-sensitive being it encountered was Tash Arranda, who managed to destroy it with the help of her uncle, Mammon Hoole. However, the technology and theory behind the Essence Stealer were later used by Umak Leth to develop the Universal Energy Cage.