Enasteri, Charis
this elderly woman traveled with her husband, Neth, and settled on the planet Rhamalai to escape the Jedi purge. When the Empire invaded the planet, she decided to help her daughter, Nadra, and Denel Moonrunner escape the invasion. Unfortunately, the Empire deemed her condition beyond medical treatment and scheduled her for euthanasia. Nadra arranged to get her freed by falsifying Denel's work orders, and all three managed to escape the governmental offices in Argona. Charis hated the Empire and everything it stood for, and overcame the illness she suffered to help them escape the city. However, they were seperated by Imperial fire before they could reach the Moonrunner residence. Denel managed to escape, but was unable to recover Charis and Nadra before Imperial fighters fired on the Refugee. Nadra and Charis were forced to remain on Rhamalai.