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the designation of an ancient series of asteroid mining ships designed by Byblos Drive Yards. The E-2 miner is an insectoid ship that looks small. However, the E-2 is actually 110 meters in length. Instead of using tractor beams to move asteroids, the E-2 is equipped with eight rugged claws which can dig into stone and grasp an asteroid beneath the main body of the miner. Each E-2 is also equipped with plasma drills to cut away useless rock to reveal the ore within. A crew of 14 manned the ship, with four gunners handling the plasma drills. The removed stone is sucked up into a central vacuum system that deposits the material in a sorting area. Valuable ores are sent into storage bays, while other material is sent to a processing plant to be turned into fuel. Each E-2 miner has a command crew of four, a bridge crew of ten, and over 100 miners. Finhead Stonebone was one of the first to recognize the potential of E-2 miners in his pirating operation in the Stenness Systems some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. He modified his E-2s to attack the ore haulers made from Ithullian Colossus Wasp carapaces.
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