this small, reddish-brown beetle was developed by the Yuuzhan Vong as an environmental weapon. The Yuuzhan Vong used swarms of dweebits to destroy the ExGal-4 outpost on Belkadan, providing cover for their landing on Helska and their invasion of the known galaxy. Groups of dweebits lived in the root systems of the plants of Belkadan, exuding a chemical mix of excrement into the soil. As the plants received nourishment from the soil, they "exhaled" a noxious mix of gases into the atmosphere.Since the dweebits were prolific breeders, they eventually established huge underground populations. As they multiplied, they affected virtually every form of plant life on the planet, fouling the air of Belkadan at an ever-increasing rate. The noxious atmosphere eventually began generating intense storms and rendering the planet a toxic wasteland.