this planet was a twin to the world of Destrillion. Both were located near the asteroid system known as Lando's Folly. A blue-and-green world from space, Dubrillion is a lush planet that is the exact opposite of Destrillion. Lando Calrissian, while the owner of Lando's Folly, used Dubrillion to house living facilities and luxury suites. Unfortunately for Lando, the Yuuzhan Vong moved into the asteroid field and set up a sort of base camp. They picked off several ships traveling to and from Dubrillion, but in general allowed the natives of the planet to flee for the Inner Rim. However, as soon as the New Republic began to evacuate the planet, the Vong attacked the remaining natives, decimating the fleeing refugees before the rest escaped. Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong, under the command of Shedao Shai, established a new base of operations on Dubrillion.