this species of large, black beetle is native to the planet S'krrr. The drog travel in swarms, and will eat anything in their path. They will even scavenge for food, and have few natural enemies. They were known to the insectile S'krrr as one of the main pollinators of the multitude of plants found on their planet, and are therefore carefully maintained by gardeners. Their only true enemy, besides the S'krrr, are the shreevs, which consume about thirty drogs each per day. Thus, the S'krrr gardeners work to maintain a balanced population of shreevs and drogs. Drogs reproduce prolifically, requiring that shreevs be kept around in order to help control the drog population. Many xenobiologists have claimed the the S'krrr themselves are descended from the drogs, although this has never been scientifically proven. What is known is that a cult of S'krrr worshipped the drogs with god-like awe.