Dozen-and-Two Avengers
this was the name of Kyp Durron's vigilante group, led by himself and Miko Reglia during the months leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Kyp and Miko represented the "Two" in the name - the only two Jedi in the group - while the other members were simply rogue pilots. Their ships consisted of a collection of starfighters, with the two Jedi flying the new T-65XJ model X-Wing. They were nearly destroyed after discovering the Yuuzhan Vong presence near Helska. A swarm of coralskippers launched a massive wave of volcano missiles, which took out many of the non-Jedi Avengers in the opening seconds of their battle. Miko was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, and Kyp fled to a remote sector and stranded. In the wake of their destruction, the Dozen-and-Two were reduced Kyp and a few others. Kyp recruited new members, but simply called the group Kyp's Dozen.