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Dovos, Shas

this man was native of Onderon, and a dedicated student of metallurgy who stumbled upon an old text of Sith magicks nearly 1,000 after the fall of Sith Empire. Shas had found the book in an ancient Onderonian temple in the wilds near his village, and started reading it. The book intrigued him, as it dealt with the formation of a heavy, spiked set of jet-black armor. While many considered the armor a work of art, Shas knew that much of the armor was imbued with Sith alchemy. After ten years, he finished the armor, and event which unleashed the Sith spirit trapped in the text. The spirit used its own Sith powers to meld Shas's essence to that of the armor, creating a new creature it named Warb Null. Shas Donos, from that point onward, ceased to exist.
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