Doriana, Kinman
this man was one of Senator Palpatine's closest advisors, and continued to serve Palpatine after his election as Supreme Chancellor. One of his first missions for Palpatine occurred a year after the start of the Clone Wars, when Doriana was dispatched to Cartao to secure the assistance of Spaarti Creations in manufacturing modern cloning cylinders He found himself torn between his duty to the Old Republic and his allegiance to Darth Sidious, who wanted Doriana on Cartao to ensure that the ravages of the Clone Wars came to the planet. It was during the time of the Outbound Flight Project that Doriana became Palpatine's most trusted aides, when he accompanied the task force sent to eliminate the Jedi. Instead of a quick assault, the Imperial fleet was decimated by the Chiss Expansionary Defense force under the command of Thrawn. Thrawn destroyed all but one of Doriana's warships before Doriana could plead for an audience. When he did, he managed to convince Thrawn of the dangers of the Outbound Flight Project. Thrawn's forces wiped out the Jedi, and Doriana returned to Coruscant and described to Palpatine the events he witnessed.