a revolting animal which was small enough to fit in the palm of a human hand, dinkoes were native to the planet Proxima Dibal I. They had powerful rear legs, four arms, and glittering fangs. The rear legs had thick, serrated barbs on them, that allowed the dinko to grasp its prey while it attacked it. A dorsal vane served to dissipate excess body heat, and the spine that supported it was used to lodge in the throat of a potential predator. They also had a noxious fluid that could be squirted at a threat from a specialized scent gland, and were considered poisonous. Han Solo gave a dinko named Fang to Ploovo Two-For-One as a "gift" following a run he did for Ploovo. Attached to the Dinko was the Cash Voucher that paid for Ploovo's expenses.