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these aliens are one of the most unique races in the galaxy, as their male and female sexes are so vastly different in appearance and temperament. The males are docile, non-aggresive creatures with smooth, hairless skin and short horns on their heads. They takes great pride in their horns, and groom them quite regularly. The females, on the other hand, are covered in calico fur and do not have horns. They are aggressive by nature, and tend to dominate their culture. It is believed that they are descended from a race of primates that lived in the mountains of Devaron, their homeworld, and that their horns were a genetic mutation that proved useful in fending off predatory brids. Devaronians are carnivores and in general, have an efficient metabolism, consuming nearly every bit of food they eat. The unusual blood of the Devaronians was silver-based, giving it a blackish color not unlike tarnish when exposed to oxygen. This means that they don't go to the toilet as often as other races. Devaronians were one of the first races to discover the secrets to space travel and develop stardrives.
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