Delaya-class Courier
this ancient Hoersch-Kessel starship was highly aerodynamic, having a number of large steering vanes and airfoils. These were tied into a computer system that could adjust each one's angle for maximum maneuverability. The ship's twenty-one engines were arranged in groups of three, and each group was connected to a servo-mechanism that allowed them to be independently positioned for direction and maximum thrust. The Delaya-class could attain speeds of 950 kilometers an hour in atmosphere. The stock ship was lightly armed, and had minimal hull plating. These could be added for combat use, although the Delaya-class was designed to transport personnel from planet to planet. The Delaya-class courier measured 70 meters in length, and required a pilot and co-pilot to operate. The ship had room for up to 8 passengers and 10 metric tons of cargo, and was often armed with a front-mounted proton torpedo launcher and a pair of turret-mounted laser cannons.