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Death Seed

this plague was virtually unstoppable when it was first discovered. The basis of the Death Seed is the creature called a droch, which can steal the life force energy from its victim once it bites the victim. If allowed to remain attached, the droch can quickly burrow into its victim. Once inside, it is absorbed into its victim, but continues to drain life energy from it. The victim dies from unknown, though obviously viral, causes. Bacta therapy was found to quicken the disease, because the bacta only provided the droch with a renewed source of life energy as the victim healed. The Death Seed was controlled by the huge droch Dzym, which maintained a link to the lower drochs while obtaining life energy from their vicitms. When Dzym and Seti Ashgad began their quest for galactic domination, they unleashed the Death Seed plague on the Meridian Sector. Only through Luke Skywalker's communication with the Spook crystals on Nam Chorios was the plague defeated. The crystals agreed to be shipped off-planet, where they could help focus natural sunlight on the parasitic creatures. The Death Seed managed to wipe outnearly three-quarters of the sector before it was controlled.
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