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Dallows, Rhys

this man was a native of the planet Naboo, growing up the son of Reeve Dallows, a school teacher and a freighter pilot. Rhys never saw much of his father, whose work as a pilot kept him offplanet more often than not. Nonetheless, Rhys grew up dreaming about flying among the stars. Shortly before the Trade Federation blockaded his homeworld, Rhys was learning how to fly the Naboo N-1 starfighter, as part of the small group of Naboo pilots who made up Echo Flight. He was something of a smart-aleck, and was friends with Dren Melne. However, his loyalties were to the Naboo, and when Dren tried to force Echo Flight to turn over their N-1 starfighters to Captain Sorran and the Velumina, Rhys came to the aid of Essara Till. For his actions, Rhys was promoted to a position within Bravo Squadron. He was thrown into battle when the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo, forcing Queen Amidala to flee the planet. Upon her return, Rhys and the rest of the pilots flew their starfighters against the Federation's Droid Control Ship during the Battle of Naboo. Note that this character is named Rhys Darrow in the final installment of The Starfighter Trap, on the LucasArts website.
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