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a droid who approached Wuher in the alleyways of Mos Eisley, seeking asylum from the Jawas just before Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker booked passage aboard the Millennium Falcon. C2-R4 was originally produced by a Squib consortium, and was an example of typical Squib resourcefulness. C2-R4 resembled an R2 unit in its basic shape, but was covered with various bulbs and box-shaped appendages. Two whip-like extensors and two armatures sprout from the droid's central section, and much of its dome has been replaced with a toothy grill. It was modified over the years to perform a number of household and kitchen tasks, but was abandoned on Tatooine. The Jawas wanted to take him apart for scrap, but Wuher rescued him after seeing Greedo killed in the Mos Eisley cantina. Wuher had just gotten the idea to use Rodian pheromones in the liqueur he was brewing Jabba the Hutt, and he asked C2-R4 to help him brew it.
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