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Czerka Arms

this large corporation manufactured a variety of hold-out blasters, flame weapons, and handheld projectile weapons. Czerka was originally founded as the Czerka Corporation, during the earliest days of the Old Republic. The corporation grew rapidly, and established a virtual monopoly on the weapons market. When the Great Sith War broke out, corporate executives decided to ally themselves with the Sith, fearing that the Old Republic would be unable to defend itself. In the wake of the defeat of the Sith, Czerka was faced with a publicity nightmare, and decided to change its name so simply Czerka Arms. During the last centuries of the Old Republic, Czerka sold its wares to any buyer with ready credits. However, during the height of the New Order, Czerka worked out an exclusive distribution deal with the Empire and was the third largest producer of weapons in the galaxy, behind only BlasTech and Merr-Sonn. With the fall of the Empire, Czerka courted the New Republic in an effort to increase their marketshare and presence in the galaxy. It grew to become the third-largest weapons manufacturer of the modern era, behind BlasTech and Merr-Sonn.
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