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Cutter, Hugo

a member of the Red Moons mercenary unit, Cutter was a former student at the prestigious Imperial Engineering Academy. Recognizable by his thin build and unruly red hair, Hugo was expelled from the school because of his fascination with blowing things up, rather than creating them. His parents were part of the Imperial nobility, and they tried to reduce the embarrassment of having their son expelled by locking him up in an attic. Cutter eventually escaped, and joined the Alliance. He used his demolitions skills - which were ad-hoc and spur-of-the-moment at best - for the Alliance, and met Andrephan Stormcaller. Stormcaller recognized the unique potential of Cutter, and recruited him to join the Red Moons. He was part of the team sent to Gabredor III to rescue the children of the Cantras Gola ambassador from the Karazak Slavers Guild. A high-ranking New Republic general once said that "Hugo Cutter is best described as a high-yield bomb looking for a target without a guidance system."
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