Curse of Sycorax
this ancient curse could be revisited upon the modern natives of the planet Necropolis if certain traditions were not adhered to by them. The Master of Cerements was reponsible for ensuring the curse was never invoked. The curse stems from the ancient witch, Sycorax, who claimed she could bring the dead back to life. When the ancient natives of Necropolis believed she was a fake, they killed her own son and demanded that she bring him back to life as proof. Sycorax died of a broken heart, but not before she leveled the curse on the planet's inhabitants. The Curse of Sycorax states that, should the natives of Necropolis ever ignore their dead, the dead would rise up and take control of the planet. The curse suposedly knows no boundaries, and could engulf the entire planet. Doctor Evazan used the legendary curse to hide his experiments in reanimating the dead. The bodies he successfully reanimated added to Pylum's fear that the curse was being breached.