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Cundertol, Molierre

this Bakuran Senator served on the New Republic's Defense Council during the Yevethan Purge. He was strongly xenophobic, but hid it well during Senate and Council sessions. However, Cundertol was also prone to drunken stupors, consuming great quantities of Doan wine when he couldn't handle Senatorial pressures. He detested Etahn A'baht, and once referred to the commander of the Fifth Battle Group as General "Eating-A-Boat." Note that this jibe only works if one of the following is true: the Basic language is very close to the English language, or "eating a boat" is an English translation of a Basic joke. Many years later, Cundertol was elected to serve as Bakura's Prime Minister. It was shortly after this that he discovered the entechment process of the Ssi-ruuvi people had been modified to allow for longer life. Seeing an opportunity to make himself virtually immortal, Cundertol agreed to cede control of Bakura to the Ssi-ruuvi leader, E'thinaa. Their elaborate plan, conceived shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, called for Cundertol to be enteched and his life energy stored in a human-replica droid's brain. Cundertol himself embezzled millions of credits from the Bakuran treasury to fund the creation of his droid body. In order to ensure the Bakuran people would believe their scheme, the Ssi-ruuk arranged for a group of P'w'ecks to pose as a "newly-liberated" race that defeated their Ssi-ruuk masters. Cundertol would then be paid a huge sum of credits once Bakura was turned over to the Ssi-ruuk. In order to complete his entechment, Cundertol arranged to have himself kidnapped, using mercenaries posing as members of the Freedom movement to transport him to Lwhekk and back. Note that Star Wars Insider, issue 75, indicates that Cundertol traveled to Onadax for the procedure. His plan might have succeeded, if Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo hadn't arrived at Bakura just before the "consecration" of the planet by the Keeramak. They discovered Cundertol's plans and exposed him as a traitor to Bakura, when he didn't die in an explosion set off by Blaine Harris. He was forced to flee Bakura with the lifeless body of the Keeramak, and he limped back to the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. He tried to negotiate with the Ssi-ruuk, explaining that Bakura had been consecrated and could be attacked by the Ssi-ruuvi armed forces. E'thinaa, however, simply saw that Cundertol had failed to deliver Bakura into their hands. In a startling turn of events, Cundertol saw that E'thinaa was actually a disguised Yuuzhan Vong invader. E'thinaa's guards then sliced Cundertol's droid apart with amphistaffs, smashing his entechment container and ending his life.
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