Cult of M'dweshuu
this ancient Nikto brotherhood was formed shortly after the Nikto race discovered the existence of the M'dweshuu Nova, well before the formation of the Old Republic. Many Nikto believed that the powerful ability of the Nova to affect life on Kintan was worthy of admiration, and developed a cult formed on the basis that they were as powerful as the Nova. The Cult rose quickly to power, and controlled much of the planet in the years leading up to the arrival of the Hutts in the Si'Klaata Cluster. With the arrival of the Hutts, the Cult lost much of its control, and was thought to have been disbanded. However, some 21,000 years later, the Cult re-emerged, and once again gained the support of the Nikto people. The Cult rose quickly, and Churabba the Hutt was forced to take military actions against the Cult to ensure her control. She bombed the Cult's headquarters, killing many of its leaders and leaving it to die. Much of this battle went unnoticed by the Old Republic, which was deep in the throes of the Sith War. It was believed that remnants of the Cult survived until the Clone Wars, hoping once again to rally the Nikto against their Hutt masters.