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A hammerheaded, fast transport ship built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, often used as blockade runners because of their speed and mobility. They have a modular interior, which can be modified for specific needs. They have a standard crew complement of 46-104, depending on the mission. Some military missions require a crew upwards of 165 men. These ships are 150 meters in length, and can make 60 MGLT at sublight speeds. They are regarded as extremely vulnerable, however, since the primary solar collector and stabilizer fin are located dorsally, and when disabled can cripple the ship's ability to maneuver. The CR90 boasts the following shipboard systems: * 6 Taim & Bak H9 Dual Turbolasers * 8 Faberstien-Lago 37s Emergency Escape Pods * 4 Faberstien Maximum Capacity Life Ships * 2 Pax Hustana Variable Array Sensor Units * Mason-Branger 7085 Ionization Reactor and Regulator * Corellian Engineering Corporation Subspace Hyperdrive * Corellian Chain Management NavCom Unit (26640 limited non-AI processing) * Phoah-Kingsmeyer 484-J4e Screen Control and Shield Projector (rated at 100 SBD) * Ferro-Magnesium Ceramic Hull (rated at 50 RU). During the Galactic Civil War, many Corellian Corvettes were modified to make up for the original design's weaknesses. The main solar collectors and stabilizer fins were incorporated into the hull, creating a long, pod-like shape instead of the angular shape of the original design. Most other shipboard components remained intact.
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