Crying Dawn Singer
this vivid white Shashay was distinguished by his red crest and a splash of red on his chest. He was short for a Shashay, and had a large beak and wide eyes. Unlike most Shashay, Crying Dawn Singer was a free spirit, and didn't fit into their normally-regimented life. He was one of the galaxy's most famous space singers, and traveled through much of Rayter Sector with his entourage performing for Imperial dignitaries. He was one of the few Shashay which were allowed to leave their homeworld by the Nestmothers, since the credits he earned were returned to Crytal Nest to benefit the entire race. During the Galactic Civil War, the Farool brothers kidnapped him on the planet Najarka. They attempted to gain favor in the eyes of the Empire by blaming the kidnapping on the Alliance. Singer was held on the planet Narg, where he was eventually rescued by the Alliance.