this double star system once consisted of a blue-white supergiant star and its twin, a small yellow star. When the supergiant exploded, it caused two reactions: first, it collapsed onto itself, generating a large black hole; second, it caused the small yellow star to begin crystallizing. The smaller star, which continued to orbit its double, was now being drawn into the black hole and subjected to the hole's intense X-radiation, further hastening its crystallization. When the Empire built Crseih Station nearby, the crystal star was well on its way to being swallowed by the black hole. The intense energy surrounding the system altered the fabric of the Force so radically, that it allowed the anti-Force being Waru to enter the galaxy. The warped Force also affects those with Force-sensitivity, causing them to become listless and suicidal. Luke Skywalker succombed to the intense energies while on the Crseih station.