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Crseih Station

a space station located on the fringes of the galaxy, Crseih is a collection of asteroids connected by tunnels and accessways. It was built by the Empire (under Palpatine's New Order) as a research outpost. It was built near the dying Crseih star system. The goal of the outpost was to discover a method by which the intense forces of the nearby black hole could be harnessed and used as a weapon. The station was placed under the command of Hethrir by Darth Vader, following his appointment to Procurator of Justice. Hethrir added to the station's mission, using it as a prison. Hethrir's cruelty toward his prisoners caused a rift in the Force which, when coupled with the station's proximity to the crystal star, brought the being Waru into the galaxy. When the Empire fell, after the Battle of Endor, it was believed that the station was deserted by the Empire. However, it was only Hethrir who left, biding his time in secrecy until he could build the Empire back up. Waru remained behind, and developed a great following. Hethrir eventually re-surfaced, and used the station as a sales point for his slaves. He later convened the first session of the Empire Reborn there, only to be thwarted by the New Republic. When Waru consumed Hethrir, Waru returned to his own galaxy. The station is a hot, balmy workplace, since the shielding which protects the station from the black hole's intense X-radiation give off tremendous amounts of heat. Since the Imperial influence has left, the remaining residents have developed their own society, much of which is based around the religion of Waru. Following Waru's return to his own galaxy, the station was moved away from the dying Crseih system and now orbits Coruscant. The New Republic arrested all of the Imperial supporters on board.
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