this Imperial Moff controlled the planet Valc VII of the Imperial Remnant, following the peace accord made with the New Republic. One of the few females to attain the position of Moff, she was a member of the old school, and believed that the Republic should be left alone when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. However, she began to see that this was a deadly mistake when the Yuuzhan Vong destroyed Bastion and Muunilinst in short order. When Jacen Solo and the Galactic Alliance offered their assistance and a chance to join the fight against the alien invaders, Moff Crowal was one of the few Moffs who saw the logic in the offer. After the Galactic Alliance's intelligence, tactics, and assistance helped defeat the Yuuzhan Vong at the Battle of Borosk, Moff Crowal agreed to provide Luke Skywalker with a wealth of information that her agents had acquired in the rogue planet Zonama Sekot. Moff Crowal also provided one of her best xenoarchaeologists, Doctor Soron Hegerty, to the Jedi mission to assist with making contact with remote civilizations.